Analysis from Re/Make

While other brands scoring so close to Remake's Seal of Approval threshhold may garner our support for making strides in their journeys towards ensuring more transparent, ethical and sustainable supply chains, we cannot afford the same leniency towards Adidas. Not only does Adidas continue to churn out an inconceivable amount of clothing (clothing that is, for the most part, made out of virgin crude oil-derived materials) despite the fact that we are in a climate crisis, but in 2020 the brand's CEO took home $7.237 million while none of it's garment workers are yet to earn even a living wage.

Total Score (100): 44
Transparency & Traceability (out of 14): 12
Maker Well-Being (out of 33): 11
Environmental Sustainability (out of 31): 19
Sustainable Raw Materials (out of 14): 2
Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion (out of 8): 0