Fighting Fast Fashion

Zlatan provides a peek into the world of fashion, sustainability and celebrates creativity. You can ask the bot about brand stories, links to shop sustainably, and it can even directly recommend clothes for you, based on your style.

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About Us

Hi there, my name is Vikram Sagar and this is my message to the fashion industry.

We all want to look good and our clothes help us to do that. Who we are on the inside, more often than not, reflects in what our outward appearance is like. Fashion is so powerful, it can actually change how I feel, from comfortable, to sporty, to funky, to ‘a class apart’. But with power comes responsibility.

1. The responsibility to help people make healthy choices. - While we focus so much on the kind of food we put inside our bodies, from organically grown to locally sourced, we rarely think about the fabrics and clothing that we have on our bodies almost 24 hours in a day. Is our skin able to ‘breathe’ through the fabric. Is the raw material from an organic source? Are the dyes natural. Are we breathing in the emissions from synthetic fabrics and synthetic dyes? Is the design of the garment allowing for comfort?
2. The responsibility to influence people’s beliefs- The advertising campaigns should perhaps inspire people in positive ways.
3. The responsibility to give value for money- Often we buy garments because they are cheap, but they do not last beyond one or two washes. This tends to happen when the fabric tears or the colors fade and run. There ought to be a certain durability of the garment.
4. The responsibility to use appropriate packaging- So much paper and plastic is used every year to package and label garments.
5. The responsibility towards durability- A durable garment can easily be passed on to someone else in need of clothing. That’s a wonderful way to pay it forward.
6. The responsibility towards good design- A well designed garment will not waste material or effort. It could even go a step further to perhaps be worn or reconfigured in different ways.
7. The responsibility to recognize the ‘dignity of labor’ - So many people actually contribute to the manufacture of one garment, their efforts should be properly recognized and rewarded.